Gulf Coast Leader Rigs
852-BC by FJN/Dolphin
Each rig individually barcoded with its own bar code sticker. All packed 12 rigs per shower curtain ring, 12 rings (1 gross) per shelf box....
1 dzn
Gulf Coast Leader Rigs
853-BC by FJN/Dolphin
Each rig individually barcoded with its own bar code sticker. All packed 12 rigs per shower curtain ring, 12 rings (1 gross) per shelf box....
1 dzn
Gulf Coast Leader Rigs
854-BC by FJN/Dolphin
Each rig individually barcoded with its own bar code sticker. All packed 12 rigs per shower curtain ring, 12 rings (1 gross) per shelf box....
1 dzn
Gulf Coast Leader Rigs
855_BC by FJN/Dolphin
Each rig individually barcoded with its own bar code sticker. All packed 12 rigs per shower curtain ring, 12 rings (1 gross) per shelf box....
1 dzn
Texas Catfish Rig
JAN-CFR-11S by JanDell
Texas Catfish Rig. A proven winner. Cork makes a rattling sound. Uses 1-1/2 oz. Sinker, 45# test stainless steel wire....
1-1/2 oz. 45#
Sand Bass Rig
SBR34 Chartreuse by Silver Dollar
Sand Bass Rig
SBR34 White by Silver Dollar
Sand Bass Rig - White
SBR34-001 by Silver Dollar
3/4 ounce. Color 001-White....
1 dozen per bag.
Sand Bass Rig - Yelllow
SBR34-002 by Silver Dollar
3/4 ounce. Color 002-Yellow....
1 dozen per bag.
Sand Bass Rig - Chartreuse
SBR34-006 by Silver Dollar
3/4 ounce. Color 006-Chartreuse....
1 dozen per bag.
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Trinity Tackle Distributors
Tel: 469-447-4837, Fax: 469-619-6447

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Product availability, descriptions and pricing subject to change without notice.
Original content Copyright © 2024 Trinity Tackle Distributors
Product images Copyright of their respective owners